The Red Book

Preparation of the history of the Boston Surgical Society, Inc. has proven a fascinating and rewarding  experience


Please enjoy the history of the Boston Surgical Society in the RedBook 2018.


Bradford Cannon, MD Redbook Historian and President 1979
Bradford Cannon, MD (1907-2005)
Red Book Historian
Pioneer Plastic Surgeon
Leader in 1942 Burn Care
BSS President, 1979

A past President has said that he did not envy anyone the task, having himself attempted to compose a history of another society. “I still haven’t gotten over it.” Some of us are old enough to remember many of the noteworthy individuals who were the founders and early members of the Society. The importance of their contributions to the Society and their influence on the advances in surgery during their lifetime cannot be overestimated. One can only hope that the reader will find this account of our predecessors enlightening.

– Bradford Cannon, M.D.